Monthly Creation Science Update: July and August

Shalom, everyone!

After a crazy month and a half of being on the road, in addition to things I needed to take care off before and afterward (learn more about my Young Earth Geology Road Trip on Instagram), I am finally ready to get back in the game with the latest and the greatest creation science updates of both July and August!

Did you hear about the stone tools from Mexico conventionally dated to 30,000 years ago? Dr. Todd Wood explains what they mean for creationists.

Review of Tim Clarey’s “Carved in Stone: Geological Evidence of a Worldwide Flood,” by Dr. Jim Gibson

Simon Turpin demonstrates how Job 41 undoubtedly describes Leviathan as a real creature that only the God of creation could master.

On August 1, 2020, ICR National Representative Dr. Randy Guliuzza was appointed as the organization’s new President & Chief Operating Officer. Hear ICR’s science team talk about their personal experiences with Dr. Guliuzza over the years and what they think about this new chapter of creation ministry.

New research has claimed that flowering plants, the most common type of plant on earth, first appeared in the rocks of the early Cretaceous because that is when they evolved, only becoming excessively common in Cenozoic (post-Cretaceous) deposits. Creation geologist Tim Clarey interprets these findings in the context of a global Flood as described in Genesis.

For some reason, many lay creationists still hold to the outdated Hydroplate Theory proposed by Walt Brown. Shuan Doyl explains why most creation geologists no longer accept it.

Paul Price makes the case that the behemoth of Job 40 is not a mythological figure, but likely was a real, post-Flood dinosaur.

Dr. Todd Wood provides a summary of the Origins 2020 conference (I was able to attend virtually this year!).

In July of this year, biologist Joel Duff and colleagues published a paper arguing that some creation scientists have accepted pro-darwinian ideas about evolution and are now “neo-creationists.” Needless to say, the responses from this paper have been lively! I have provided several below:

Emory Moynagh

Todd Wood
Part I
Part II

Nathaniel Jeanson
Part I
Part II
Part III

Creationist geologist has recently started his YouTube channel and uploaded two videos exploring topics he goes over in his book, Creation Unfolding.

The Biblical Creation Trust has recently released the second volume of their new-ish publication e-Origins. It is a review journal that presents articles based on more technical research papers in a way that is understandable for knowledgeable lay people. Best of all, it’s open access! The second volume contains a book review, as well as some fascinating articles on tree ring dating and feathered dinosaurs.

That just about sums it up for July and August! Stay tuned for next month’s update!

Chodesh Tov!

(That’s “have a good month” in Hebrew!)

Author: Ryan the Raptor Guy

I practice Messianic Judaism (as a gentile). I am also a published author and paleontology enthusiast.

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